Caring For Your Mouth After Oral Surgery

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

There are many reasons that oral surgery could be necessary when caring for your teeth and gums. There could be a need to extract a tooth, insert dental implants, treat gum disease, or from other issues. No matter what the case, the recovery period after oral surgery is very important to reduce the risk of infection or complications.


After surgery it is quite normal to experience light bleeding. Apply pressure with some clean gauze or a damp teabag to help with clotting. If bleeding persists or worsens, call our office for further instructions.

It would also be best to avoid drinking through a straw or eating any hard or coarse foods after surgery as it could potentially disturb clotting or sutures that would lead to more bleeding.

Pain and Swelling

Discomfort after oral surgery is also completely normal. In fact, most swelling occurs within the first day or two. During your surgery, you will probably be given anesthetic that will linger for a short time afterwards and will reduce pain. As follow-up pain management, we may prescribe a painkiller or recommend an over-the-counter medication. Try to take the first dose before the anesthetic has fully worn off for continued pain relief. Then take it as needed to reduce any persistent pain or swelling.

Cleaning Your Mouth

Probably the most important post-surgery care is cleaning your mouth effectively. Following surgery, you should brush normally except for the site of the procedure. This could again disturb sutures or healing.

Along with brushing, you can also rinse your mouth with a solution of one teaspoon of salt dissolved in eight ounces of warm water.

Good oral hygiene after surgery is important to reduce the risk of infection, remove any food particles, and clear away bacteria and tartar. Having a healthy and clean mouth will promote healing and reduce discomfort. If you have received a periodontal dressing to help protect the area, do not be concerned if those dressings come out; they are harmless if accidentally swallowed.

Watch for Infection

Be conscious of any signs of infection, such as:

  • Continued swelling
  • Increased pain
  • Pus drainage
  • Unexplained fever

While infections are rare with proper oral care, there is still a possibility it could occur. If you notice any signs of infection, please call our office as soon as possible.

Richardson Periodontics & Implant Dentistry is a full service periodontics and implant dentistry center with locations in Eustis, FL. Richardson Periodontics & Implant Dentistry offers a full array of periodontics services to help you maintain healthy gums and a beautiful smile. Contact our Eustis office at 352-589-1973 for more information about dental implants or schedule your appointment online.


Richardson Periodontics 3/9/2016

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